Creamy Scrambled Eggs

A slice of toasted bread topped with smooth scrambled eggs sits on a white plate. The eggs have a rich, creamy texture and a golden color. The plate is on a wooden table.

If you’ve ever wondered how restaurants produce their perfectly buttery, creamy scrambled eggs then here it is!

I know this texture isn’t for everyone, but it definitely makes me feel like I’m eating something extremely posh. Although I guess I am with the amount of butter in it! 

I’m not providing measurements for the butter, just make sure you use REAL butter. I.e. not the ‘spreadable’ kind that’s 40% oil based. And like I say in the video, measure it with your heart. Butter for me is much like garlic – you can’t dictate to people how much they should be adding to a recipe. They need to make that call on their own. 

Main takeaways from this should be – lots of butter and low and slowwwww! You’ll be a pro of creamy scrambled eggs in no time!

If you want it less ‘wet’, simply cook it longer. Or turn up the heat as it will dry it out more. 

A slice of toasted bread topped with smooth scrambled eggs sits on a white plate. The eggs have a rich, creamy texture and a golden color. The plate is on a wooden table.
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Creamy Scrambled Eggs

You'll be a scrambled egg pro in no time!
Active Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Perfect eggs
Occasion: Breakfast
Key Ingredient: Eggs
Yield: 1


  • 2 eggs
  • 30 g salted butter
  • salt & pepper


  • Melt butter in pot
  • Add whisked eggs to pot and cook on low heat, stirring with silicon spatula until you reach desired consistency (it’s worth the effort!)
  • Season with salt & pepper before serving

2 responses

  1. I find taking the eggs on and of the heat for a wee bit letting them cook naturally adds to a great taste and texture finished of a spot of cream.

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